For Men Only: The Prostate & Incontinence

For Men Only: The Prostate & Incontinence 0

Men undergoing radiation or surgery to treat prostate cancer should expect to develop some problems with bladder control. Most are temporary and many men regain full bladder control in time. Our Prostate Care Collection offers easy post-op solutions.

Myth or Fact? Truths about bladder control

Myth or Fact? Truths about bladder control 0

Learn the facts and dispel the myths of incontinence or bladder leak, which affects over 3.3 million Canadian men and women. We've outlined 13 truths worth knowing.
Has your prostate-related incontinence sentenced you to house arrest?

Has your prostate-related incontinence sentenced you to house arrest? 0

Men undergoing surgery or treatment for prostate cancer are likely to experience bladder-control issues. Think you have to kiss your social life goodbye? You don't. There are new men's products, recommended by experts, designed specifically to help men of all ages deal with with urine or bowel leakage.