What is adult incontinence and how do you manage it?

Over 3 million Canadians are managing incontinence
You would be surprised at how many people are managing lives with incontinence. The Canadian Continence Foundation confirms there are more than 3.3 million Canadians experiencing at least one of the different types of urinary incontinence. Men and women, and across all ages.
That's a lot of Canadians! More than you think, right? Here at MyLiberty.Life, to get the word out, we speak about incontinence to everyone under the sun.
The first reaction is usually a polite or thoughtful silence.
Next, most folks then express great support for our offering - a caring, simple, easy and worry-free online shopping experience that delivers Canada's best variety of quality incontinence products.
Finally, those same folks suggest our work must be aimed at Canada's aging population. It seems logical – and it’s true that as we age, more things are going to give...
But – that’s not the end to the story, by any means. The loss of bladder or bowel control is not restricted to age.
Incontinence is not a disease, but a condition where a person has involuntary urination or bowel movements to the point where their social lives are affected in a negative way.
That means kids, teens, young adults, women, men, students, athletes, gardeners - you name it - and you'll find folks affected by incontinence.
With luck, your incontinent condition is temporary, but unfortunately, for others it can be more permanent.
Anyone at any age can be impacted
Smoking, drinking and the excessive intake of fluids contribute to temporary incontinence. As well, add in prescribed drugs such as blood pressure medication, muscle relaxants, sedatives and some heart disease medication.
And finally, conditions such as constipation can increase the need to urinate, because the compacted stool makes the nerves in charge of the bladder overactive.

For your incontinence needs, check out our Total Absorbency Protection (TAP) Scale product selection guide that we use across all brands and incontinence products we sell.
We developed our TAP scale as it seems no two manufacturers use the same language to describe their products.
What's "moderate protection" to some is "heavy protection" to others.
At a glance, our Total Capacity Rating shows a product’s ability to absorb and hold bladder and bowel leakage.
See your doctor to address the cause of incontinence
For many of our friends and family, incontinence is a constant concern that affects their ability to work, travel and lead confident lives in the community.
Some of the permanent causes for urinary incontinence not only include aging but also damage to pelvic floor muscles, enlarged prostate, or cancer of the bladder and prostate.
Seeing your doctor for a diagnosis and treatment advice is important. Do it.
I worry about people feeling house-bound or socially uncomfortable. We want to get the right product for you.
Check out MyLiberty.Life's collections today. Once you've got the right product, consider our free subscription service so you'll never be caught shorthanded (and where you'll save 5%, year 'round).
You have options and choices
Know that you have choices for the right products for your needs. Through aggressive science and solid research, products to deal with incontinence are improving all the time. You now have options—and excellence—that just haven’t been available in the past.
Our product brands are chosen because of their outstanding construction, unbeatable absorbency, first-rate odour control, overall capacity to contain leaks and their ability to be good to your skin.
There are disposable adult briefs (diapers), underwear (pull ups) designed for men, women and kids and liners or pads to swimwear solutions, bed or chair pads and cleansing cloths. We can help find the right solution.
Let us take some of your incontinence worries away. We’ve got you covered, Canada.
- Cindy Clegg
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