Don't lose out to LOBC: loss of bladder or bowel control

Don't lose out to LOBC: loss of bladder or bowel control

There is a term that is becoming more common in describing incontinence - Loss of Bladder (or Bowel) Control or LOBC. Very few people speak freely about LOBC, especially related to themselves.

Embarrassment is a barrier worth crossing

Because incontinence talk can make us shy and cause embarrassment, many actually work to adapt their lifestyles to their condition instead of finding treatment. This includes avoiding visiting friends and family and even stopping to the point where some are afraid to leave home at all. Incontinence isn't about just aging.

Many think that LOBC is only related to aging

The causes of LOBC are wide-ranging and affect every sector of society from repetitive work-related activities such as heavy lifting to menopause and hormonal changes to cognitive impairments such as Alzheimer’s.

Share your stories

Once we start the discussion, everyone has a story. Whether it is a mother, a spouse, a father-in-law, a child or grandchild, or an uncle with prostate trouble – we are all learning about the deep, dark underground of incontinence.

Surrounded by discomfort and unhappiness, or graphic confessions like “I actually peed myself running my last race” – MyLiberty.Life offers the freedom to run like the wind, or just take a walk in the park.

Understanding begins with absorption. Start right here - because everyone has the same question when faced with a wall of incontinence products - and we've answered it in our article: What do I need?

Next, we'd like to introduce you to our free MyLiberty.Life Total Capacity Rating Guide. We created it as it seems no two manufacturers use the same language to describe their products.

What's "moderate protection" to some is "heavy protection" to others. To help you sort it out, we’ve developed a standardized Total Capacity Rating system that we use across all brands and incontinence products we sell.

At MyLiberty.Life, we are committed to helping you get what you need quickly and easily. We've got you covered, Canada!

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  • Cindy Clegg
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