What Incontinence Products Will Help Dad?

What Incontinence Products Will Help Dad? 0

Choosing incontinence protection products for your Dad is a special kind of challenge: "That's too much information. I can't". We get it, and we've got you covered. It's all broken it down for you in this blog post.

How to prevent incontinence odours?

How to prevent incontinence odours? 0

Need advice on how to deal with the smells from incontinence? It is different from the days of having a baby in the house, and we're glad to help.
What Can Drinking Water Do For My Health?

What Can Drinking Water Do For My Health? 0

Did you know concentrated urine can reduce the absorbency of your incontinence product? It's best to stay hydrated for all sorts of reasons. Learn more...

Has your prostate-related incontinence sentenced you to house arrest?

Has your prostate-related incontinence sentenced you to house arrest? 0

Men undergoing surgery or treatment for prostate cancer are likely to experience bladder-control issues. Think you have to kiss your social life goodbye? You don't. There are new men's products, recommended by experts, designed specifically to help men of all ages deal with with urine or bowel leakage.