Latest best sellers: Adult diapers and protective underwear

Latest best sellers: Adult diapers and protective underwear 0

It's no surprise to see our excellent value brands, Molicare and Attends achieving best seller status in 2022. Remember - these affordable incontinence solutions that also qualify for tax relief.

What Can Drinking Water Do For My Health?

What Can Drinking Water Do For My Health? 0

Did you know concentrated urine can reduce the absorbency of your incontinence product? It's best to stay hydrated for all sorts of reasons. Learn more...

Get out this holiday season - don't be a prisoner to incontinence

Get out this holiday season - don't be a prisoner to incontinence 0

Hoping to visit friends and family this holiday season, but worried about how bladder leak or incontinence issues might cause issues? Are you thinking about skipping the fun to staying home? Don't even go there - we've got solutions to help you travel with confidence.
Can I travel post-stroke? You bet you can!

Can I travel post-stroke? You bet you can! 0

Don’t allow isolation to be a part of surviving your stroke. Instead, think of your post-stroke life as the new normal. Incontinence may be part of that new life. Don’t let it stop you from enjoying your busy, travelling life. Get connected, get protected, and get on with it all.